Here we discuss some basic and beautiful concept of chemistry. I hope you learn something new. Chemistry is nothing but your own world. Our body, love, happiness, sadness related to chemistry

What is D and L notation in carbohydrates


 In Fischer projections of monosaccharides, the carbonyl group is always placed on top.

 • If the OH group attached to the bottom-most asymmetric carbon (the carbon that is second from the bottom) is on the right, then the compound is a D-sugar.

 • If the OH group is on the left, then the compound is an L-sugar. 

• Almost all sugars found in nature are D-sugars.

what is carbohydrates

Optical Activity:

1.The presence of asymmetrical carbon atom causes optical activity. When a beam of plane polarised light passes through a solution of carbohydrates, it will rotate the light either right or left.

While (+) and (-) notation corresponds to the optical activity of the substance, whether it rotates the plane of polarized light clockwise (+) or counterclockwise (-).

 2. Please note that D- and L- notation have no connection with optical activity.

Capital “D” and “L” notations has no connection with small “d” (dextro) and “l” (levo) notation which are used to represents dextrorotatory and levorotatory compounds in organic chemistry.

The D - glucose is Dextrorotatary and D - Friuctose is Levorotatary.

Equimolecular mixture of optical isomers have no opticak activity (racimic mixture).
Hyrovosky was awarded nobel in 1959 prize for polarographic analysis of sugars.

World is full of  chemistry        

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