Here we discuss some basic and beautiful concept of chemistry. I hope you learn something new. Chemistry is nothing but your own world. Our body, love, happiness, sadness related to chemistry

International Day Of Women and Girls In Science

 On 11 February  all over the world  it was celebrate as a International  Day Of Women and Girls In Science.

 Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021: Date

The global observance is celebrated every year on 11 February and an International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly is organised.

This year will mark the sixth International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly. The assembly in 2021 will be organised by the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT), along with the Permanent Missions of several countries to the United Nations, the African Union, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Intellectuals Property Organization (WIPO).

Basic Introduction Of Carbohydrates

Here are 4 Renowned Women From Crystallography History:

This year will mark the sixth International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly. The assembly in 2021 will be organised by the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT), along with the Permanent Missions of several countries to the United Nations, the African Union, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Intellectuals Property Organization (WIPO)Here are  4 renowned women from Crystallography history:

1. Kathleen Lonsdale: She confirmed the structure of benzene ring ,carried out studies of Diamond , was one of the first two women to be elected to the Royal Society(in 1945).

2. Dorothy Hodgkin: She took the first X - ray photographs of crystalline proteins.

3. Rosaline Franklin: She took the X-ray photograph of a DNA fiber that proved  instrumental to James Watson and Francis Crick's Nobel Prize wining discovery of the double helix. She also carried out important structural studies of carbon in coal and graphite and of the plant and animal viruses.

4. Barbara Low: She used X-ray crystallography to reveal the shape of molecules including the antibiotic penicillin.


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